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  • Ralph is a cool guy. Call or text him 999-9999
  • The Weather today will be mostly cloudy with a chance of snow.
  • Be on the lookout for Rocky the Big Foot in Chiliad forrest
  • Looking for good hunters to take out vermin in the hillside of Chilliad. Please call the Park Rangers to get your permit today!
  • Bart enjoys 🍎 Send him one at BadBart#6487
  • ☃️Snow soon™☃️
  • dNStreeeet

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    dNStreeeet last won the day on October 4 2021

    dNStreeeet had the most liked content!


    About dNStreeeet

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    1. Dusting off the trooper hat.   

    2. Bigcity 2.0!!!


    3. ❤️ BigcityRP .  I truly wish ppl showed more wanting to RP here its like GTAVRP these days is just getting stale.  Ppl dont RP.  Hopefully that changes 100%.  You see less and less RP storylines coming/being created. 

    4. Goodnight everyone ❤️

    5. Time to start the grind again on duty lets goooooo

    6. That was a good day today on duty!  I am a FTO now kinda the same thing when I was a FTM in the FDNY! Getting to learn the cadets what I know how to be a officer.  100% fun day. 

    7. Good night BigcityRP ❤️

    8. ❤️ Niteeee BigCityRP awesome day of RP 100%.

    9. Awesome day of Brooklyn big big server lets gooooooooooooo! Was hectic but 100% fun loved the action!

    10. Absolutely good day today! ❤️ BigCityRP!

    11. Going in for a colonoscopy on Thursday. 

    12. ❤️ BigCityRP you all 100% awesome

    13. goodnight BigCityRP!/Good Morning lol!

    14. Being NYSP is so fun. I am gonna do a 24 hour duty one day soon!! Literally all day all night patrol.  Goodnight BigCityRP!!!

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