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  • Steven Kimura

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    Everything posted by Steven Kimura

    1. Steven314's Great Suggestions: 1. Problems after prison: Taxi Service, it is a pain after being released to get back to the city. 2. EMS Vehicles: Right now there is only one EMS FDNY Ambulance and I would like some variety. This is all excluding the Ford Explorer EMS which you need to ask an Officer for if you are the required rank. Going off of this, I know when the server first started, the EMS had an abundance of variety and a spawning menu like how it used to be would be great. 3. Vehicle Blip: When your vehicle is stolen, which happens too often, it is a pain to either find it, or move on. 4. Siren Controls: For someone like me, I like to drive with a controller but the siren controls are on the keyboard, because of this my driving becomes horrid. I am asking if you could map the controls to the D-PAD. 5. EMS Responding: A name of who we are responding to would be great, the reason for this is that people like the quit if we take to long. We then end up driving 3 miles north to find the person had left, this is very frustrating. 6. EMS Usability: When arriving on scene of an incident, we need to find where the person had died not where the body is, this can take forever and is a pain in everyone's ass. I am asking for a blip or an outline of where we should respond to on the accident. 7. EMS Roleplay: After we resuscitate the caller, nothing happens after ATM, I would like there to be more to this, maybe treat certain parts of their body rather than just ask and Roleplay it. 8. Blips: Not for everyone, but if an Officer is asking for medical assistance, a blip showing their location would be EVERYTHING. 9. EMS Training: Right now, there is no set path for moving up the ladder of the EMS department. 10. Registered users only: It is terrible having people come in, modding and spamming racist word in the chat. To be able to prompt them when they load in to register, that would be great. 11. The personal menu is shitty, just saying. That is what I have for now, I will be adding more as I find them.
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